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For the past decade, our research team has engaged in extensive methodological work in Small Area Estimation (SAE) to enhance the accuracy of child mortality and prevalence estimates in regions with sparse data. This ongoing research includes developing and validating models that are critical for accurately assessing health indicators, especially in LIMCs. Our validated methodologies have been published in peer-reviewed journals, providing valuable insights for both academic research and practical applications.

Selected Publications

  • Space-time modeling for U5MR at Admin1:
    Mercer, L., Wakefield, J., Pantazis, A., Lutambi, A., Mosanja, H., & Clark, S. (2015). Small area estimation of childhood mortality in the absence of vital registration. Annals of Applied Statistics, 9(4), 1889-1905.

  • Uses the previous model for U5MR estimation for 35 sub-Saharan countries, for Admin1:
    Li, Z. R., Hsiao, Y., Godwin, J., Martin, B. D., Wakefield, J., & Clark, S. J. (2019). Changes in the spatial distribution of the under five mortality rate: small-area analysis of 122 DHS surveys in 262 subregions of 35 countries in Africa. PLoS One, 14(1), e0210645.

  • Describes area- and unit-level models:
    Wakefield, J., Fuglstad, G.-A., Riebler, A., Godwin, J., Wilson, K., & Clark, S.J. (2018). Estimating under five mortality in space and time in a developing world context. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 9, 2614-2634.

    Wakefield, J., Okonek, T., & Pedersen, J. (2020). Small area estimation for disease prevalence mapping. International Statistical Review, 88, 398-418.
  • Mapping and modeling for vaccination:
    Dong, T. & Wakefield, J. (2021). Modeling and presentation of health and demographic indicators in a low- and middle-income countries context. Vaccine, 39(18), 2584-2594.
  • Modeling when the data have mixed geographic information:
    Wilson, K. & Wakefield, J. (2020). Pointless spatial modeling. Biostatistics, 21(2), e17-e32. Oxford University Press.

    Wilson, K. & Wakefield, J. (2020). Child Mortality Estimation Incorporating Summary Birth History Data. Biometrics. Published online: 24 September 2020.

  • A lot more to be added